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Welcome to our Blog! Enjoy our resources on Canadian Immigration, Settlement tips, and things you need to know as a Newcomer!

Self-employed? This is how to immigrate to Canada...

Can you immigrate to Canada as a self-employed person? What are the requirements to immigrate to Canada if you are self-employed and who is this program for?

It is possible to immigrate to Canada as...

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I'm in a Same-sex Relationship, Can I Immigrate to Canada?

If you are in a same-sex relationship, you must be wondering whether Canada would be a good choice for you to immigrate. The answer is, yes, you can immigrate to Canada if you are in a same-sex...

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An Introduction to Canadaā€™s Healthcare System

 Healthcare is one of the most common reasons why people immigrate to Canada. They are planning for their future and know that Canada’s free, universal healthcare system is a huge...

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I want to Immigrate to Canada. Where do I start?

So, you decided that you want to immigrate to Canada. Great choice! Now, how can you start the process to make this possible?

There are many reasons why people choose to immigrate to Canada and...

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Top 5 Canadian immigration Mistakes

There are a few common mistakes we have seen throughout the years, and we want to make sure you know about these mistakes and how to avoid them. Most of these mistakes are avoidable if you are...

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Canadian Citizenship: Benefits and Requirements

citizenship Dec 08, 2021

In a nutshell, if you:

  1. Are a Canadian Permanent Resident,
  2. Have lived in Canada for 3 of the last 5 years, and
  3. Have appropriately filed your taxes

You likely qualify for Canadian Citizenship!


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What Work Permit is Right for Me?

 There are so many times that people will reach out to me and ask about how they can work in Canada. The situation always depends on a number of different factors, especially how specialized...

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Getting a Tourist/Visitor Visa in Canada

tourist visa visitor visa Nov 24, 2021

A Visitor Visa (or a TRV – Temporary Resident Visa, as it is officially called) gives you permission to enter the country before you arrive. In other words, it means you meet the basic...

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All About the Global Talent Stream

The Global Talent Stream (GTS) is an immigration program that was introduced in June 2017 as a two-year pilot program that later became permanent in 2019. The program is jointly managed by...

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The Federal Skilled Trades Program

 The Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP) provides the opportunity for skilled workers in a particular skilled trade to become permanent residents of Canada through Express Entry. The FSTP is...

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